this is a filler post

hello there! it's been quite some time since the last update so i figured i should write a really really short filler to just fill the time in for the moment. (am i blabbering already?)

i'm finally, finally done with exams. yay!!! it was such a drag having to wait for the gap during the holidays and go on a 4 hour journey trip just to take this one last *forgive me for this, fucking* paper. finally! i'm done with homework and assignments for now. really done. and now my mind goes into project mode once again.

and i'm really happy that the red suede pumps that i've ordered has arrived!! double yay! and i had a really good meal with my bunch of friends and we went for karaoke and sang our hearts out. it's so nice to be able to just scream and sing at the same time :)

so my next big challenge would be going to this retreat that my mum has been bugging me on. 2 weeks, no handphones, no phones, no connections to the outher world (i'm a young person i'm not really sure if i can live without twitter or facebook or blogs). wow. i see this as a challenge. and i'm not allowed to bring any reading materials at all also! how am i going to survive? *HAIZH* well it'll at least be a first for me, going to a retreat to meditate and keep my mind focused. as i said before, i see this as a challenge. *am i making the wrong decision? 2 weeks!!! 2 weeks!! half of my intended holidays gone!!! argh *

ok anyway i'm going to my friends orchestra performance on 18, maybe 19 december at klpac. they will be performing on 17-19 december. i'm not sure about which day i'll be going yet, but i've been to thier rehearsals and i'm looking forward to the performance! they will be playing mostly christmas-sy songs, and i'm a real sucker for celebrations so this will be a treat for me :)

going? say hi if you do!


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  1. i wanna go but im working la.. ish ish!!

  2. yeay cat is going with me =)
    ops, is going to support me ^^

    Thanks babe~

  3. details of the perfomance?

  4. khruz!! so sorry for the late reply, here's the link to the performance.. titled candlelight klpac...
