under construction

anyhoo, we're currently working on the model that we spent 2 months researching (measuring, to be exact) at Makassar, Indonesia, hence the sticks and plasticin. the materials costs us a bomb, like how most architecture related things are, and how it hit straight to the point when the shopkeeper said "you should have known it before choosing this course" that i felt a pang in my heart. damn, so true. but seriously, i didn't know it would cost THIS much.
my beloved phone. nope, not a smartphone. i want an iphone real bad, but the thought of losing it ( like how i did to my previous 3 phones) made me realise it might not be the smartest, or economical choice ever. the current phone has a battery life of 3 days, or 2 if i'm crazy texting, has snakes (gasp!! highscore: 3551 yours? ), doesn't die on me when i've dropped it 22314564787 times, the screen doesn't crack, and i've just change the cover because the old one had a scratched surface, so scratched my brother described it as putting my phone in a bag with 100 cats in it. and today i realise there's a crack at the side. oh well, it's just a crack...
i would like to think this phone is perfect for a klutzy consumer like me, if only it had a text storage of more than 97. if only....
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