lingering scent
i love how i smell right now. weird huh? this is how i feel every time after i take a shower, especially at night when you wash away all the tiredness from the morning, put on freshly laundered clothes (that still has that subtle nice smelling detergent) and that slight scent from the shower gel still lingering on your skin.
theses kind of scent don't last long though, and it's really mesmerizing because it's only there after you shower, and it goes away pretty quickly too, plus it only applies to certain types of t-shirt (that can retain the smell of detergent), and it's that kind of scent that can't be replicated that you feel the need to inhale in all that it has at that moment, before it's all lost.
i know it's just a scent, but the really intriguing part is that although this particular scent is really familiar but yet, it's not always achievable, just like having cheesecake in a cup at your favorite bakery but you can't really figure out the exact ingredients to remake it, you know?

and this, my friend, is what you would write about when you're so damn tired but you can't sleep.
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