before the year ends

as i type this the fireworks are cracking like crazy outside my window...HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! suddenly it feels like chinese new year all over again because of all the fireworks!

it's funny because i intended to type this post before the new year and have some time to reflect on how 2010 has been, but hey, today is a new day and i'm just happy at how everything turned out. *procrastination is in my genes*

i'm also very grateful to have spent the last day of 2010 with my friends, with one whom has flown in from sydney. we had a whale of a time catching up with each others life, and it dawn upon me that in special days like these being surrounded with your friend and family is priceless.

2010 has been a very very exiting and crazy year for me, and i've accumulated many priceless first hand experience. for example it would be winning the gold medal for the 10km track team, building a wakaf (i poured my heart and soul into this project, and i scored an A+!! ), scored a full scholarship (and had a whale of experience while going through the interview) , had new friends, and so many more that this space will not be enough for me to write it all out.

so my resolution for the new year would be really really simple. to seek new experience and stop being a procrastinator. easy right?

happy new year everyone! may the new year be full of opportunities and happiness for all of you :)

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