the retreat

i'm dedicating this post to penny, tze chuan, sook, see wu, auntie szuih, uncle pusa and dion. you guys made the retreat so so much fun.

before i go into details how interesting the people mentioned above are, let me just tell you how the retreat was.

when i was sitting at the back of a jeep that was bringing us up to the hills, i thought to myself, this can't be bad. i've been through national service(compulsory for selected 17 years old in my country), and i've told myself that once i've been through that there'll be nothing else that can be as bad..

i wasn't wrong. the place ( the retreat) was set at a really picturesque hill with a stunning view of the small town of taiping. the view is breathtakingly beatiful. do you know i got to see the sun set every single day? and the view of taiping town at night? it's so pretty i could practically die there.

suddenly i felt like julia roberts in the movie eat, pray, love, where she went to this ashram in india and had a real shock, having just came back from all the eating in italy.

i lost all my appetite by just looking at them eat. it was like all of them was competing for the "who finish their food last" will win contest. it was terrible. only then i found out that they were eating mindfully. so that's why. you've got to eat really slowly. really slowly. and mindfully. darn. i spotted a firefly on the first night.they fly alone, and not in packs. there were a lot of first when i was there. it was the first time i spotted a leaf like insect. it really really look like a leaf!!! (duh =.='') and i witness a lizard eating a bug *crunch crunch crunch* and i saw a really big ant the size of your thumb. and spotted baby leeches almost everywhere. and the bugs there are humongous because we're in the hills. and the mozzies are crazy. apparently they like scottish blood because the lady from scotland was attack even after she used up all of her insect repellent!

when i got to know some of the people we went to look at the stars on the deck at night. laying down and looking at the stars is awesome. the view of the stars is just so breathtaking! ( i don't get to see star's in kl cos it's too bright..) everytime i see the stars the lyrics from coldplays's yellow just pop into mind. " look at the stars, look how they shine for you, in everything you do, they were all yellow.." and just when i thought that i had a few friends they had to leave. their retreat is only for a weeks so it's time for them to go back. and again i return to my recluse self, hiding behind the shell that i've created for myself. but it didn't took me long to find another gang to mix with again. this time it's the odd gang (as quoted from dion) , here we have a 56 year old uncle who tells more grandmother stories then a 65 year old aunty, and a 65 year old auntie (she's a grandma already! who doesn't looks like, and act like a 65 year old), a innocent 21 year old who keeps talking and asking question ( moi) and a precocious 18 year old boy. i love having the walks with them and listening to all the stories that they had. it was really fun and they made time past really fast. oh yeah, and i learned about why pirates wear eye patches too. a hoi you pirates are pretty smart aye!

i'm glad i got to know these bunch of people during my time at the retreat. would i go again
? hmmmm...:)

oh yeah, my name is chia may. c-h-i-a m-a-y. not penny/girl/whatever else you think it is. if you dare forget my name i shall haunt you in your dreams. ;)

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