been buseeh
it's no kidding when i tell you i've been opening my sketchup and autocad to do work so many times i pity my poor little, and very efficient mouse. all i can hear is the "click click" sound of the mouse going away for at least 5 hours a day. it went to the point where i would get really ecstatic when i can finally ( i meant temporarily) abandon my sketchup models and pick up a book to study for building services, construction and masonry, islam dan isu-isu semasa (there was a test) and finish up the damn english report for academic writing which, has been a pain in the ass. oh, and suddenly studying was fun again! pfft. and, my i add in, manual drawing was such a relief to my tired eyes! i haven't been wearing my contacts for a while now, and has been worrying about the state of my poor laptop where it is practically switched on when i'm awake. i try to let it rest and switch it of whenever i can, and praying that it wouldn't go haywire(due to revenge! what am i thinking! ) when there's so much of projects stacking up!
gosh! design is fun, but the deadline isn't. so here's some sketchup stuff that i've been doing, just to show that i have indeed been up on my ass and working like a bee for the past few week (and will be continuing to work). i am lusting for the day where i can go back to kl and meet up with my friends and do nothing!
the quality of the image sucks, i know, but you know when you think your design is done, and when you switch of the laptop, only then you would realize that you've forgotten to change some of the things that your lecturer has ask you to do , or you've forgotten to add the tiles here, or some itty bitty minor changes that would have changed the whole design? yeah, that happens to me all the time. it's frustrating, but for me my design are only considered done on the day i print it out and hand it in.

on another note, i'll be going to the remote island/place (as describe by my lecturer) of makassar in sulawesi, indonesia for 2 weeks to do measure drawing. and now i'm worrying about whether they have toilet indoors. and apparently the place is creepy, you know lah, old house and stuff. well if you're thinking what measured drawing is, it's about measuring a building (architecture) (duh!) mostly of the vintage/old type, because we would want to document it just in case it's demolished or go down due to age for good. me thinks it's a noble job preserving the details (i'm a sucker for history), but i'm counting on sweat and man-power to finish the job. it's a subject! and who doesn't want a big fat A on it?
okok, enough for the ranting on my schedule. oh, by the way, if you're an architecture student, our school will be organizing a nationwide architectural event, themed terang. please click here for the official website. we promise it'll be so much more fun than archustic! :)
ps: i'll be flying to makassar straight after terang! how much of clothes should i pack? (2 weeks preparation for terang, 1 week terang, 2 weeks makassar), and no break to go home. this calls for a mission in shopping ! :)
have a nice day!
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