yes you should read this and comment
found this from the internet. it's pretty funny but it's a pain in the ass to figure out what the writings are because it's so small!!

apparently happiness is so difficult to attain huh.
i like to think that i'm a generally happy-go-lucky person who tries not to get upset so easily, but sometimes there are just things that bug you.
and i have the habit of feeding information to people, who really don't need it because it's just stupid . ugh.
anyway just let me make a list of things i find stupid so i can get done with it.
THE STUPID LIST (apparently this is important i have to use capital letters)
1. people who talks crap just to get noticed.
2. layering almost everything in the wardrobe to create style.
3. the word style. it's overrated.
4. having food that is different from the picture in the menu. so different i thought the waiter served me the wrong food.
5. description like "no preservative" on food. and it can last for 2 years without it. what?
6. malaysian tv drama.
7. commercials that are not related to the product.
8. shop attendants who follows you wherever you go while you're busy browsing through.
9. beautiful. isn't there any other word to describe good looking?
10. a big bag of crisp that are actually half filled.
11. food commercials. they are all lies. (the size, the presentation! )
12. whitening products which don't work at all.
13. parents who tells their child monetary woes. (especially when the child is still a kid)
14. people who don't get my jokes.
15. explaining to people that i can read and write mandarin.
16. people who thinks just because i prefer english i dislike speaking and writing in mandarin.
17. people who thinks all english speaking chinese are christian. (no offence, but why can't they be Buddhist? i've been explaining this since primary school)
18. telling people that, yes, i'm am chinese.
19. people who ask questions but refuses to listen.
20. politicians who don't have a degree related to politics but are elected to represent the state.
21. two faced people. it's just difficult to pick which side to slap first.
22. irony.
23. complaining about being full after eating two teaspoon of food.
24. people who preaches on understanding how money are hard to come by but have dozens of designer bags.
25. snobbish people.
26. ask questions but refuses to accept the answer.
27. sometimes i criticize myself but most of the time i'm no sure if i'm prepared to make a change.
28. when people speak louder than their actions.
29. shop attendants who looks at you as if you can't afford anything in the store.
30. people who can't see the beauty in ugly.
31. nice pictures with descriptions on it.
32. complicated relationships. if you like someone just tell.
33. those who see only the bad in people.
34. hypocrites who think they are the greatest things on earth.
35. back stabbers.
36. people who say something but later do it differently.
37. criticizing people when you're the same yourself.
38. believing that there's no hope in people.
39. people who uses size to threaten others.
40. men and their egos.
41. stingy bosses.
42. originality. we've been around for a zillion years most things are an evolution of one another.
43. the word inspired. sometimes it's also a form a plagiarism.
44. overpriced coffee.
45. lousy movie that i paid 10 bucks to watch.
46. those people who fight for a greener earth but uses plastic.
47. people who says "i'm so busy" all the time. make time!
48. those who thinks art related courses are easy. let me drill this in your head, creativity needs time and effort. unlike science, creativity can't be taken straight out from the books.
49. racist.
50. perfectionist. its just scary. flaws are good too you know.
now, leave me a comment or make another list of things you find stupid! :)
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