the cookie diary
today me and mum baked some chocolate chip cookies, and in my humblest opinion, it's the most popular and tastiest cookie of all in cookieland.
i like baking, but i have to confess i enjoy the eating part most, and i dislike the part where i'm suppose to take the cookie out of the oven. the heat is just unbearable! oh, and the part where i'm suppose to shift the flour in the mixture of butter and yolks. it's pretty difficult when the batter is really thick, and i can only shift using one direction, say if i start clockwise, i have
to stick to it. such laws!
believe me when i tell you my mum frowns at all the recipe's i get from the internet. it's not really going to work!, she'll say, and then she'll convince me to use the recipe that she
have used before. where's all the fun, mum? but hey, most of the time the recipe wouldn't work (due to my inexperience hehehe) so it's best to listen to her when it's anything to do with baking :)
here's some picture of the cookies, well actually my job was to size the cookies and put it on the tray, and add chocolate chips and some nuts on it. surprisingly this batch of cookies was fun to make because its not the usual big tub of cookie mixture my mum would prepare for the chinese new year, which never fail to make me feel as if the job will never come to an end. =.='
anyway the cookies turn out great (wanna try?), although there was a tray of slightly burnt ones.
{ the trusty kenwood :) }
{ all lined up}
{cookie mountain! }
{cookies...the more the better! :) }
{see that cookie with 3 chocolate chips? yeah, that's mine :) }
{overflowing cookies!! }
{cookie tower}
{cookie innards}
now, excuse me while i get myself a cup of milk :)
Yum! I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today, they're my fave!