I would rather write this, than

finishing up my Topical Studies? 


Anyway today's the last day for 2012, so i thought *i think it's already a ritual for me to write THE last and final piece of blog post before the starting of another new year.*

i've long given up writing new years resolution. i prefer short term goals where i can actually achieve than plan it in a long stretch and then forgot about it. >< this doesn't mean i dislike resolutions, but whatever rocks your boat ;)

so this is not about what i would want to achieve in the new years, but rather, a long thank you and what i'm grateful for this year.

as my year is mostly divided to two parts (due to the semesters we have in school) and summer holidays which usually makes my memory of the upper half of the year fuzzy but i'll try to recall what i'm grateful for...lets see...

to my parents who are always there for me, you guys are the ones who will always believe in me, even in the times when i've felt so lost. speaking of which, i will be dedicating the topical studies book to them.

to my dearest little brother, for showing me what courage and having a steady planning ahead of you and being humble always beats being unsure, lost and proud. 

for my dear friends who have been around even when i'm a total fool of myself, i love you guys!! *muaks*

and to the new friend that i've made, here's a toast to the new friendship  ;)

to all the people at the company that i've interned in, you guys open up so much about what i could possibly learn in the real world of architecture. i thank you for giving me all the opportunity and treating me like a precious gem hahah. really appreciate it.

to all the guardian angels out there, thanks for watching out for me during hard times, and guiding me through life, in general.

to my conscience, thank you for not letting me get mad when dealing with difficult people. :) and to be wise and not bow down to peer pressure that surrounds me on a daily basis.

to urban zakapa, nell, busker busker and big bang, thank you for the music that has been bringing me through those long hard nights. yes, all of the above are korean bands/groups who makes music that i find really soothing and nice although i do not understand a word they sing. but all's good :)

for those indie hipsters that thinks indie music only consist of english music, you can just GTFO because good music can be in any form and language. liking indie music doesn't put you in a higher position in any way.

 and last but not least, to x,  i'm extremely grateful for your never ending presence that have guided me and through all the crazy ups and downs. it feels kinda weird not having you around now, but i'm getting use to it tho, although sometimes i do miss the late night chats. *hah*

how are you celebrating the last day of 2012? i'm just hopping the meeting tonight will end soon so i won't spend the new years in a meeting *ugh*

see you in 2013! *waves*

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