it's that time of year again
it's that time of the year again where all craziness ensues.
things start picking up pace yet again as everyone (or at least me) are trying to finish up backdated things before the year ends. the finals are just a few blocks away, but all i feel like doing is to sleep. * dies *
the weather here is in it's full craziness yet again with the hot and dry waves in the morning and heavy downpour in the evening. maybe it's the weather, or maybe it's just me, but i've been living in a haze lately. there are tons of things that i'm unsure of. games that i've sworn i'll never play again but was drawn to it unconsciously. minds that i can't read and actions that i can't decipher. emotions that was taking the roller coaster ride too many times a day. volatile personalities that contrast at every moment they put jekyll and hyde to shame. there are moments when i look all calm and collected but my insides are just falling apart. but i'm all good now, blame the hormones :)
"everyday may not be good, but there is something good in every day."
"everyday may not be good, but there is something good in every day."
have a nice day!
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