a change in heart

i've always been drawn to the color pink but when you ask me what is my favourite color is (not pink! ) i can't give you a definite answer.

i guess i've always been that way. i've never had a favourite-est something. i don't even know which drink do i really like because i'll be the one who tries all the different drinks that i can get my hands on, especially when i'm on foreign land. The same goes to every. single . thing.

maybe that's the reason why i've never really had anything permanent in life (except for my friends, my family members , oh, do i have to elaborate on this?). i'm not good at keeping old things (keepsakes).

but, memories from way back, when i was really young still etched on my mind. i remember events, happenings that people have long forgotten. i don't do it on purpose, it just happens to be there! (this frustrates me a lot because i remember useless stuff better than biology argh)

so there was one day that i was afraid i might forget all of the happy things that i've remembered, and i was looking for a place to rant all the crazy thoughts in my mind that i find writing this blog so fun! this place is like my sanctuary to dump all of my happy/sad/angry/excited/crazy thoughts!

but there are times where i've never publish some of my innermost thoughts because it might hurt somebody else, you know? having the internet at your fingertips is fun, but the damage that it'll cause indirectly to somebody else is pretty bad too...:(

and i tend to bla bla off topic too heheh....actually this post is just to announce that i've change the template to a whitish, more mature (i think?) background.. :)
*haha i'm sorry if you've spent the past 5 minute reading.....stuff~!*

i hope it looks better than the old one :)

oh, and i'm already safe and sound at home, editing pictures from makkassar :)

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