i'll let the posters describe what i wanna say today
1. this is what i try to remind myself every single day. (because: there are never ending work for you to do every. single .day. )

2. my room is chaotic. because my chaos happens to be very organized, mind you.

3. i do that without fail. i haven't been brushing my hair due to the perm for at least 6 months. no brushing=messy hair. yay!

4. my friends even call me the chiamaypedia. i find out every thing to the details, whether it's about queen victoria's life, the taj mahal, the mysterious anastasia, the actors and actresses in whatever movies there is (you get the drill). i'm not kay-poh, i just happen to be passionately curious.

5. yeap. it's as simple as that.
6. make all my design work ! i have a great deal of respect for this guy.

7. nuff' said

8. hell yeah!

9. so true. i've come to realize that things (mostly in design) doesn't have a full stop. i'll be changing the minor stuff, hoping that the work will be absolutely perfect and have never ending work, or i can print it out, hand it in, be happy, and go to sleep. i choose the latter.

10. ;)

11. hohoho, i think this is too small for you to read. click for a larger image :)

12. for statement 9, this poster is what i tell myself on submission days :)

13. this sums up who i really am.

14. yup, loose the fear and explore!

15. as a student in architecture, being able to sleep is like hitting the jackpot. not being able to sleep for 4 days to rush for a submission really makes you feel like dying.

16. referring to statement 15, this is the actual reason why i can't sleep for 4 days.

17. woops. i don't boss around frequently though.. :p

hi winnie, you might find this insanely familiar cos i stole (took/snatch/download) it from your pininterest.(and why do i have to wait for an invite? why why why? )
i was just following the rebel's manifesto number 3.
Aiyo you should tell me ma... I'll invite you right away! :D Instant access! And yes Pinterest is awesome, another excellent time-killer! XD
ReplyDeleteyeah yeah faster invite me quick! :)