still thinking

referring to the title above, yeah i'm suppose to be doing my sketchup and elevation and plan and bla bla now. you know what? i have 3 days to finish all of this and all i can think of is, no way i can finish all of those in 3 days! i mean, 3 days for something that usually takes a week or more than that to finish? i'm in the urban studio now and 5 minutes ago a senior just gave us a lecture that crushed my design. it's about the response to the urban landscape, the people, the surrounding and not just about the design at all. i have a lot to learn!

*i'm definitely taking a breather and put all that aside first*

anyway i should be mentioning that i recently changed my hairstyle, and it's a very very big change. i haven't have the guts to post the picture of my new hair here, so please be patient while i search my files for pictures of me with the new hair , just to give it the justice it deserves. and it's not easy maintaining it! my hair wasn't as big and bouncy like the first day, it's kinda limpy right hmmm...gotta find
a solution quick ><

i just hope i can pull through this. my architecture venture in the second year for the first semester is not as fun as it was in first year, and i just want to put an end to all of this. really, i just want a lecturer who can guide me through all of this :/

note to self: must do background check on all the studiomasters before joining.

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