i hope the holidays will never end
holidays for me are always fun but i've never fail to feel the hollowness in my heart when i'm suppose to start packing up after 2 weeks of fun and get back into serious mode.
and now i'm back at uni and realize that there's a huge pile of assignments waiting for me to finish it up. and the deadlines are so close it's just nauseating. i mean, who does assignments during the holidays right? holidays are the time where you're suppose to enjoy those little free time and be lazy and slack around.
yesterday i had a heavy heart when i reached the hostel. the familiarness of the room and my friends didn't felt right too. it was unbearable when i had to start unpacking my stuff. i actually miss home and my friends back there! (when i was at home for the last few days i actually miss the uni! argh the irony..)
but then my friends here at uni started watching some taiwanese series and we started talking and slowly it felt right. slowly the ice around my heart melted and i realize having a group of friends to talk about things, anything at all is essential to cure a homesick heart. hey, i have to remind myself that everybody's leaving their home too.
today's lunch session succeeded in healing that heart of mine. i love it when all of my friends sit down and eat. eating is essential to me as well, i live to eat! :) . and it's especially fun when all of us sit down and talk and laugh at each other.
plus, the heavy downpour didn't stop us from going crazy too. well, not really crazy but 7 of us did squeeze into a tiny red car. poor car. and i realize the amazing ways that we use the capacity of a car to the max. seriously, once we squeeze 11 people into a 7 seater car, including 5 big luggage. it was an adventure indeed ! and it was an unforgettable experience too....selamat! (it means safe :) )
before i end this incredibly monotonous post i would like to wish all-body who has to go back to school/work happy continuing with crazy assignments and work and fighting post raya disorder!
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