hello twelve, hello thirteen, hello love!

in case your wondering about the title, i've been smitten by the song rachel barry and jesse sang in glee. it's so addictive its the that kind of song you just can't get it out of your head!
anyway not so long ago our enviromental physics lecturer ask if we would like to do a paid survey at a housing area regarding the rate of usage of electricity with a bunch of students from a university in japan. all of us were exited at first, i mean, this sounds fun, meeting a bunch of new people and earning some money on the side.
gosh we were so wrong. maybe i kind of forgotten that we were suppose to go house to house under the hot sun, begging for them to let us in their house, and going through all of their electrical appliances, and asking them a whole bunch of questions.
suddenly we were all salesman trying to persuade people to buy things. but this time we're not selling things, we just want to do a really thorough check on what sort of electrical stuff you use at home, and we need all the model numbers and the frequency of the usage and the number of kilowatts and we will have to use a clampmeter to check the ampere and if unfortunately we can't get the model number we would have to take a picture of that appliance. phew did i say all of that in one breath?
and now i realise being a salesman is though. dear god i think i got conned by my physics lecturer into doing this for 50 bucks a day ( i actually signed up for 2 days!). the survey starts from 8am to 5pm. we weren't told about the potential hardships that we're going to face! the tutor in charge, ms doris, told us that we're going to meet some interesting people. and we did. one house owner even had a crazy daughter(she told us that! ) sleeping naked, and she even ask us if we want to have a glimpse of her daughter....what? we scrambled out of the house as fast as we could.
personally i think it's really difficult to do a accurate survey. with the rate of crime increasing and people losing trust with each other, we actually got turn down and shooed by more than half of the targeted house. and even if we got to enter the house, there was basically the privacy issue that we're stepping on, and after some time in the house the owners practically forgotten that we're actually students, not government officers who are trying to find out if they got their electrical appliances illegally/didn't finish paying their installments (whatever it is, because some got really agitated when we start taking pictures, even after their permission) and i thought to myself, gosh you people need to relax! it's just some freaking survey and i want to finish it up as quickly as possible as well!!
the whole survey thingy also made me realise being a door to door salesperson is not an easy job, with the harsh sunlight and heat! gosh next time i'll treat them with some ice cold water even though i'll not be buying things from them.
and i learned a lesson as well. next time your lecturer ask you enthusiastically if you would like to join a survey organised by a foreign university? make sure you find out the precise details and know what sort of survey that you'll be going for. come to think of it, it is pretty dangerous going into a strangers house. i mean, the owners are afraid that we might be some con people, while we are afraid that the owners themselves are the bad guys.
anyway i'm pretty much relieved that i've survived the whole survey thing (albeit getting sun burned...so not worth the 100 bucks) and it's holiday time for me for 2 weeks yay!
i've used the money to buy a few summer shade nail polishes from etude house(a korean beauty brand), and i'm loving the colors!! why haven't i bought them earlier? >
to all my malaysians readers, happy holidays! it's good to be home ;)
ps: here's some pretty polaroid picture i found on the net that are too pretty to not be shared.. :)

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