kisses and disses part 1
have you ever felt so busy sometimes that you lost track of which things exactly should you start first?
there are some-days i just feel like putting everything down, have a bowl of shave ice, and just curl up for a movie and sleep and do nothing more than that.
i wish.
lately there's so many events to plan, and there's just so many things you can have control of and assigning people to help in a group that sometimes i just feel out of place. like now when the performance department are discussing on the props that should be made while me overhearing them, start to think if i should just use the same set of people and start doing the stage decorations too.
well i've plan to start doing all of the stage preparations on friday but the peer pressure surrounding me is just driving me crazy. seeing people around me work (from what i see from my cubicle they are actually still wrestling around) argh i have to just sort this out myself.
and there's another event with me as the president( i have to admit it is very challenging) where certain seniors seem to be sabotaging the event for no apparent reason. the budget is extremely tight and there's so many little details to take care of. at one point i just thought why didn't we just have a hot pot party, choose a venue, and everybody just eat? (i was just kidding, this is plan Z when everything fails to go as we plan)
so i figure i would like my very own installment of kisses and disses where i could group everything i like and sort out the ones that would just make my life misirable.
so here goes,
1. the jog at the park. it's been a long time since i've jog and i nearly forgot how refreshing it would make me!
2. the dress i bought today. for the event. there's a reason why it's call retail therapy.
3. the funny cat with silt eyes that i spotted near an administrative building. seriously you would just laugh!
1. the crazy events that is going on this month. one is the orientation, and the malam silaturahim which involves tons of planning and money and time.
2. studio assignments. never ending and all of it a pain in the ass.
3. unreasonable seniors who are planning to sabotage us in any way possible. we thought you guys knew how difficult it was when your seniors didn't turn up for the orientation. we thought you guys should have known better!
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